Sebagai seorang muslimah, kamu pasti mempunyai jilbab segi empat motif maupun yang polos. Meskipun hijab segi empat ini terkesan simple dan mudah digunakan, kamu harus tetap memperhatikan perawatannya agar koleksi hijab yang kamu punya tetap awet dan menghemat pengeluaran beli hijab baru. Cara Sederhana Merawat Hijab di Rumah Perawatan jilbab segi empat ini meliputi cara mencuci, menyetrika, menyimpan hingga menggunakan. Karena jika keliru melakukannya, bisa jadi jilbab kesayanganmu bisa rusak. Nah biar jilbab segi empat tetap terlihat baru, simak tips perawatan jilbab sederhana di bawah ini yang bisa dilakukan sendiri dengan biaya murah: 1. Hindari Mesin Cuci, Rendam dan Kucek…
During summer we love to embrace colors that are more vibrant and we also want to express our unique style too. And we know that during this time, you will love practicing yoga. With the perfect trendy new yoga items, you will be able to practice them with extra excitement and energy. As summer is fast approaching, we love to practice yoga and infuse this practice with the most energetic and vibrant colors of the season. Whether you add activewear sets for women or any of the accessories or other pieces of clothing. You need to know that the right…
Do you like yoga? Yoga is a sport that is quite popular because it is good for the health of body and mind. In addition, yoga can also reduce stress due to dense activity every day. The key to yoga is to understand that the mind and body are one. They work equally well during sitting still meditation or during muscle stretching activities. To get comfortable in doing yoga is to use yoga suits that fit like wearing yoga pants. You should choose one that has a soft and light material so that when doing sports it is not disturbed.…
Women are increasingly aware of their body shape. Who doesn’t want to have an ideal body shape? Various methods are also used by women to be able to appear perfect at all times. One instant and easy way is to wear shapewear. Shapewear allows you to appear slimmerquickly without the need to go on torturous diets. Clothing will also look nicer and can hide the piles of fat that stand out. The benefit of using shapewear is to make your appearance look fitter and tighter when wearing clothes that show body curves, such as dresses that are narrower at the…
Hai! Wearing the right workout clothes can help you stay comfortable and cool during exercise. Yes, after doing a hard workout. We feel tired, sore, exhausted and our body will probably be covered in sweat. The clothes that you wear can make a difference in how you feel during and after exercise. The right sports attire is one of the main keys to exercising comfortably. Sports clothes need to be adapted to the type of sport you are doing. Thus, you can move more comfortably and safely. Not only feeling comfortable while exercising, the right sports clothes also prevent you…
Hai everyone. Today, I’m going to share about how to choose casual dress and bodycon dress which women are very interested in. Dresses are one of the fashion items that are very closely related to the feminine style of women. Dresses created by designers have many variations of looks and colors. One of them is a bodycon dress that has a cut that fits on the body following the shape of the wearer’s body. Bodycon dress is now a trend. Dresses with pieces fit in this body always appear at gala events. Many world celebrities also choose bodycon as their…
Hai riafasha readers. I believe every woman wants to have an ideal body shape. As women get older, they will be more careful with their body shape. One way to look slimmer is to wear the best women shapewear. Shapewear women’s underwear is designed to shape the curves of your body while increasing your blood circulation. At the same time, shapewear also makes your appearance look more feminine and attractive. This type of women’s underwear can also be used to lift several body parts quickly without the help of tools. However, it is important to note that shapewear will not…
Hai semua. Tas merupakan salah satu fashion item penting untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Bukan hanya untuk menunjang penampilan. Tas punya fungsi untuk menyimpan barang bawaan kita. Paling tidak kita biasanya membawa dompet, handphone dan kartu-kartu yang dibutuhkan. Tas sebagai fashion item biasanya dilengkapi dengan tali dan dipakai untuk membawa sesuatu. Dengan bahan yang beragam mulai dari kanvas, plastik, kulit, kain dan lainnya muncullah berbagai jenis tas dengan model yang menarik perhatian. Tas Membuat Penampilan Menjadi Fashionable Pemilihan tas biasanya tergantung selera, kebutuhan dan disesuaikan dengan warna dan gaya yang kita aplikasikan. Dengan begitu, tas akan mendukung penampilan lebih fashionable. Ada beberapa…
Hai everyone. today , I’m going to share about the type of dresses. As we know the dress is one of the most popular items of women’s clothing. While many countries have their form of ethnic apparel for women; globalization has made beautiful dresses of many variations a regular feature in women’s closets all over the world. The dress is one single garment that covers all or almost all of the body. While it is a standalone garment; it is also layered with other items of clothing. There are many variations of Stylish and Beautiful Dresses for Ladies in Fashion.…
Bagi para anak muda zaman sekarang merk sepatu Vans tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi bukan. Bahkan brand yang satu ini sudah menjadi primadona, untuk melengkapi item fashion yang digunakan sehari-hari sehingga nantinya bisa tampil secara lebih gaya. Brand sepatu asal Amerika Serikat ini memang unggul di berbagai segi, sehingga tak heran jika banyak yang menjadikannya sebagai pilihan guna melengkapi penampilan. Baik itu untuk casual look maupun juga formal look. Produk keluaran mereka cukup banyak, termasuk diantaranya adalah Checkerboard. Apa Itu Vans Checkerboard? Mungkin masih banyak yang asing dengan jenis yang satu ini. sepatu Vans memang punya banyak sekali model, mulai…